My Japanese superior and boss always appreciate the outcome of my activity and it boosts up my work satisfaction and increases my motivation. 私の日本人の先輩と上司は、私の仕事の成果にいつも感謝してくれるため、仕事のやりがいやモチベーションが上がります。
Interviewee(お名前 性別)
Mr. A(男性)
Production Engineer(製造技術者)
How long you have been working with Sun Vertex?(勤続年数)
Before, I studied and evaluated which country is the best to work in terms of safety and finance. As a result and for my personal opinion and experience, I finally chose to work in Japan. There are a lot of opportunities for foreign workers like me in Japan. The country has a strong and stable financial status and it's continuously improving.
What is the most rewarding / interesting aspect of your job?
My job requires a deep knowledge in terms of technical aspects. The challenges require a scientific approach in every actions we need to conduct and those are the reasons why my job is very interesting. Inline with this, my Japanese superior and boss always appreciate the outcome of my activity and it boosts up my work satisfaction and increases my motivation.
As I came from the other place of the world as a person who was not familiar with the cherry blossom trees, I felt sad when I saw them in the first time in wintertime. I thought they were dying, but I was wrong. These trees were just resting and preparing to become the most beautiful thing in springtime and delighting during summer. A annual miracle!.. I just Love them tho..
It’s important to learn about the heritage of others. Doing so can help you build a stronger understanding of other cultures. It can also lead you to find things you may have in common with others! Even it's different from yours sometimes, honoring other certain cultures means respecting other people. You will feel like you are a part of them.
Please describe an event that you experience the most professional / personal growth after coming to Japan?
One of the most important things that I learned after I came to Japan is the communication skills. I learned so many business transactions in Japanese ways such as Ho-Ren-So. *Ho-Ren-So is a commonly-used Japanese business mantra. It is an abbreviation of HOkoku (to report), RENraku (to inform) and SOudan (to consult).
What have you found great about working with Sun Vertex?
I feel that it is nice to work in SVT especially with the person-in-charge and the interpreters. SVT staff are always on our side to support our work and as a foreign worker, we are grateful that they are processing our requirements, especially our documents.
What is your dream or goal you would like to achieve in the future ?
I am planning to stay in Japan and work for the longest years as possible. One of my dreams and goals is to get a Japanese citizenship and to stay in Japan together with my family in the future.