

  • ソーシャルメディア上の情報は発信時のものであり、その後変更されることがございますのでご注意ください。
  • アカウントによって、対話の仕方(返答の仕方・有無、対応時間など)が異なることをあらかじめご了承ください。
  • 各アカウントは、当社の判断により、お客様に対する予告なく運営の終了もしくは停止をすることがあります。
  • 下記の行為や投稿(下記の行為・表現を含むリンク先のURL掲示を含む)はご遠慮ください。下記行為等に該当する場合、当社の判断により削除やアカウントのブロック等を行う場合がありますので、あらかじめご了承ください。また、これに起因してお客様に生じた損害について、当社は一切の責任を負いかねます。
  1. 公序良俗に反する、もしくはそのおそれのあるもの
  2. 違法行為、犯罪的行為に結びつくもの又はそおそれのあるもの
  3. 迷惑を与え、又は不利益を生じさせもしくは損害を与えるもの、又はそのおそれがあると当社が判断するもの
  4. 知的財産権(著作権、商標権、その他)や肖像権、プライバシーを侵害するもの
  5. 有害なプログラム・スクリプト等を含むもの
  6. 当社のソーシャルメディアを営利目的に利用すること
  7. 他者になりすますこと
  8. 各ソーシャルメディアの利用規約等に反するものその他、管理運営を妨げる等弊社が不適切と判断したもの

Message and notice for social media users

Please be reminded that any information posted on Sun Vertex Co., Ltd.’s social media accounts does not necessarily reflect the official opinions of our company and the correctness, completeness or usefulness of posted contents are not guaranteed. For the official announcements and opinions, please refer to our corporate website and news release. In case a damage, whether it is direct or indirect, is caused to the followers by using the information posted on our social media accounts, Sun Vertex Co., Ltd. shall assume no responsibility.

  • Please be aware that any information posted on the social media is current as of the date indicated, and is subject to change at a later date.
  • Please note that communicating method (how to respond, whether to respond, response time, etc.) differs on each account.
  • The operation of our social media accounts are subject to be closed or suspended at our discretion without prior notice.
  • The following actions and posts (Including posting URLs of a website that contains the following actions and expressions) are prohibited. Please note that we reserve the right to delete the contents, to block the users/followers and to take other measures if any of the prohibited action/post is acknowledged. Under no circumstances shall Sun Vertex Co., Ltd. be liable for any damage suffered by the users/followers as a result.
  1. A post that violates or may violate the public order and morality
  2. A post that leads to or may lead to illegal or criminal activity
  3. A post that causes inconvenience, disadvantage or damage or are judged to cause them by Sun Vertex Co., Ltd.
  4. A posts that infringes the intellectual property rights (such as the copyrights, trademark rights and other rights), portrait rights and the privacy of others
  5. A post that includes malicious computer programs or scripts
  6. Using our social media for commercial purposes
  7. Using a false identity
  8. A post that violates the terms of use of each social media or anything that we judge inappropriate, such as hindering management and operation