For Job Seekers
Sun Vertex Online Registration


Looking for a new job opportunity? Let us help you find it! Please apply here and we will contact you for a further screening process!

Sun Vertex Online Registration
Contact information (連絡先をご入力ください) 

Basic information(基本情報をご入力ください)
Additional information(追加の情報としてご入力ください)
Please kindly fill out to help us speed up the pre-screening process!
Work Experience: (職務経歴)
from (mm/yyyy)
to (mm/yyyy)
Work Experience: (職務経歴)
from (mm/yyyy)
to (mm/yyyy)
Work Experience: (職務経歴)
from (mm/yyyy)
to (mm/yyyy)
Please choose a file .(Use pdf docx xlsx jpg and jpeg formats only)
Privacy Policyrequired

Handling of personal information

  1. Our general policy on personal information

    Sun Vertex Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we", "us", or "our") has developed a Compliance Program to Protect Personal Information in accordance with JIS Q 15001, "Requirements for Compliance Program on Personal Information Protection", and strictly controls the handling of personal data.

  2. Intended use of personal information

    We use the personal information of registrants and client company officials only for the purpose of contact with them.
    If it is requested, we will immediately take steps to stop using any collected personal information.

  3. Provisions for the Protection of Personal information

    Collected personal information is strictly controlled through regular instruction of our employees on personal information protection issues.

  4. An Offer of personal information

    The collected personal information will not be offered to a third party, except with the consent of registrants or as required by laws and ordinances

  5. Consignment of personal information

    When we entrust the processing of personal information held by us to a third party, they will be required to enter an agreement with us regarding the protection of personal information, and we will adequately supervise the party"s management of the data.

  6. he voluntariness of offering your personal information to us

    Your understanding is requested that we will not be able to contact with registrants in case registrants do not give enough personal information to us.

  7. Inquiries about personal information

    When we receive a request from registrants for disclosure etc. (notification of purpose of use, disclosure, modification, addition or deletion of contents, suspension of use, elimination or suspension of offer to the third party) of his/her personal information, we will take the appropriate steps. We may reject the request for disclosure of the collected personal information which are prohibited by laws/ordinances.

Management Supervisor for Personal Information: Sachiyo Fukasawa
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